Getting the Right Dose: Recommended Usage of Cavadex

Getting the Right Dose: Recommended Usage of Cavadex

For any medicinal treatment to work effectively, the correct dosage form should be used. In the case of Cavadex, it is non toxic and not classified as a drug. You cannot overdose or take too much of it. Each dose of Cavadex is beneficial; think of it as a little transport truck that enters your system, collects the buildup of plaque, and safely removes it via urine.

This article will guide you thoroughly on how to use Cavadex effectively. 

Getting the Dose Right

These are the guidelines for the Standard Dosage of Cavadex (8g)

It is recommended to take Cavadex in the following way:

  • In the first month, take the Cavadex dose twice a day.
  • In the second month and third month, reduce the dosage to once daily. 
  • After that if you wish (this is not necessary), you can reduce the dosage to 1-3 times per week. 

These are the guidelines for the Ultra Dosage of Cavadex, this is designed for people overall concerned about for heart health with a similar regime to the above (16g)

If you're on the ultra dose, it is recommended to take Cavadex in the following way:

  • In the first month, take the Cavadex dose twice a day.
  • In the second month and third month, reduce the dosage to once daily. 
  • After that, you can reduce the dosage to 1-3 times per week.

Since heart disease is a chronic condition, many people believe that you need to take its medications for life. However, you won't need to use Cavadex forever. 

How to Use Cavadex as an Enema?

Cavadex has a bit of a different route of administration. It is taken rectally, in the comfort of your own home.

  • Firstly, get everything you need ready and find a comfortable spot to lie down, this is best done on your bed. 
  • Lie down on your left side with your knees up, similar to a metal position. 
  • Slowly put the enema nozzle into the anus and start infusing the mixture slowly and gently. 
  • The whole process will take a few minutes. 
  • Once you feel all the product has been administer, please remove the plastic tube and wait a minimum of 30 minutes before a bowel movement. 

Do not tip the tube prior to administering, and do not administer whilst standing up. 

How Often and for How Long Do You Need to Use Cavadex?

As described earlier, you will start with a twice-daily dosage in the first month, move to once-daily administration in the second month, and then use it 1-3 times a week as needed. 

The most important thing is to use Cavadex regularly. 

Keeping track of the progress

Keeping track of your records helps you figure out if your health is improving or not. If you are interested in our Weekly Questionnaires for yourself please let us know. 


By now, you must have understood the importance of using the right dosage to get the maximum results from Cavadex. 

Do you have any questions regarding Cavadex; email us directly at 

We're here to make sure you get the best out of Cavadex.

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