CAVADEX™ clears the vascular system and can extend lifespan.
In 2014 at the University of Texas Southwest Medical Center, a study was conducted on the effects of Cyclodextrin administered to mice. They studied the lifespan of mice treated systemically with either saline or Cyclodextrin at weekly intervals starting at 49 days of age until death. In each case, half of the males and females were given Cyclodextrin and the remaining mice received only saline.
During the study, the mice were graded on their neurological function. There were no gender related differences in the neurological scores. This score, which broadly measures neurological function, declines as the animal’s condition deteriorates.
It is clear that Cyclodextrin treated mice showed higher neurological scores than compared with the mice given saline only.
Mice treated with CAVADEXTRIN® showed higher neurological scores than compared with the mice given saline only
Mice on CAVADEXTRIN® lived 10% longer.
All the mice given saline only had died by 98 days whereas the majority of those receiving Cyclodextrin died in the week following. This shows an almost 10% improvement in lifespan.
The human trial of CAVADEX conducted by Cholrem has consistantly shown the scientific evidence proving the benefits of Cyclodextrin on mice also has similar benefits on humans. It would be fair to assume that based on the science, humans treated with CAVADEX would also experience a similar benefit of lifespan extention as the mice.